Welcome to the South Africa Centre for Evidence! We are a non-profit organisation that specialises in supporting evidence-informed policy-making across Africa. Our vision is to see a world free of poverty. We work to unlock the full potential of evidence capacities, evidence communities, and evidence synthesis to build institutionalised evidence-to-policy systems that have a real-world impact on development and transformation.
SACE works through a partnership model and hosts the largest Africa-focused
evidence-informed decision-making network, the Africa Evidence Network.
We deliver responsive evidence services and support systems-level change for
evidence-use via a co-production approach with African stakeholders. Our projects range from building and supporting African evidence communities to curating and translating data and evidence for policy-making. We also support the sharing of evidence capacities through a range of modalities from mentoring, communities of practice, training courses, and embedded evidence advisory services.
SACE serves as the host to the AEN by providing the secretariat for the Network. The AEN is a broad community of over 4,000 diverse people who share a vision to see an end to poverty and inequality in Africa. The Network’s mission is to work with others to contribute to this vision by increasing the use of evidence in decision-making. The Network is pan-African, open to all who live and work on the continent. You can learn more about the AEN and its services here.
The REAP project is developing and testing a fully online platform for capacity support to evidence units in Africa to enable them to deliver evidence for policy within their contexts. REAP supports five diverse units to deliver effective evidence services to their governments via a scalable model for online capacity development which integrates a range of approaches, including a robust monitoring, evaluation and learning process to inform future development of the platform. Co-ordinated by the SACE in partnership with eBASE Africa, REAP is implemented in five African countries: Cameroon, Chad, Kenya, Niger, South Africa.
We develop and co-produce with partners a variety of products to support evidence-informed policy-making (EIPM). This often includes the curation and mobilisation of existing bodies of evidence. Collectively, our team has conducted over 80 of such
policy-relevant evidence synthesis products. We also maintain a database of over 200 evidence capacity resources and offer short courses on a variety of EIPM topics. Our team at the Africa Evidence Network provides match-making and partnership-building in addition to a range of EIPM communication products such as the monthly #AfricaEvidence newsletter.
Managing Researcher and Gender & Evidence Lead
Programme Officer: Enhancing Evidence Capacities
Programme Officer: Making Connections and Building Collaborations
Workshop 17 Firestation
(Tel)+27 10 599 0103
NPC # 2020/228212/08 | NPO # 290-999
16 Baker Street, Randburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2196, South Africa
Our name has officially changed to the
Pan-African Collective for Evidence NPC,
or PACE for short.